Modern Style Lease & Ownership Map


Ownership Maps covers lease information, surface interest, and well data.


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Digitally created map, updated Monthly. Ownership Maps cover lease information, surface interest, and well data.

County Dimensions sqft County Dimensions sqft County Dimensions sqft
Andrews 42×76 22 Fisher 42×48 14 Pecos, N. 33×77 17
Borden 42×46 14 Gaines 42×76 22 Pecos, S. 38×77 22
Crane 39×54 15 Glasscock 42×46 14 Pecos, W.C. 48×72 24
Crockett, N. 42×76 22 Howard 42×47 14 Reagan 42×58 17
Crockett, NW / Pecos, E.C. 48×75 26 Lea, N.E. 33×59 14 Reeves, C. 42×88 26
Crockett, S. 40×67 20 Lea, N.W. 33×59 14 Reeves, S. 42×77 22
Culberson, E. 42×10 30 Lea, S.E. 33×92 21 Scurry 42×45 13
Culberson, W. 35×124 32 Lea, S.W. 33×92 21 Terry 42×45 15
Dawson 42×46 14 Loving / Reeves, N. 35×59 16 Upton 45×58 19
Ector 42×46 14 Martin 42×46 14 Ward 40×69 20
Eddy, E. 50×92 33 Midland 42×46 14 Winkler 42×43 13
Eddy, W. 42×91 26 Pecos, E.C. / Crockett, N.W. 48×75 26 Yoakum 40×45 13

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 44 × 3 × 3 in

Andrews, Borden, Crane, Crockett, N., Crockett, N.W. / Pecos, E.C., Crockett, S., Culberson, E., Culberson, W., Dawson, Ector, Fisher, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving / Reeves, N., Martin, Midland, Pecos, E.C. / Crockett, N.W., Pecos, N., Pecos, S., Pecos, W.C., Reagan, Reeves, C., Reeves, N. / Loving, Reeves, S., Scurry, Terry, Upton, Ward, Winkler, Yoakum, Eddy, E., Eddy, W., Lea, N.E., Lea, N.W., Lea, S.E., Lea, S.W.

Map Type

Standard, Laminated, Foam Board, Digital – Includes Standard Copy