Portion of a Lease & Ownership Map | Classic Style


Plats or inserts of our ownership maps.

Category: SKU: N/A Tag:


Due to these maps being hand drafted, we are unable to splice these maps together. 


Current Version Updates:

Andrews 8/9/2024 Edwards, E. 3/15/2023 Kinney 2/27/2018 Reeves, C. 8/9/2024 Chaves, N.E. 5/31/2023
Bailey 4/28/2023 Edwards, W. 3/15/2023 Lamb 6/30/2023 Reeves, N. 8/9/2024 Chaves, N.W. 5/31/2023
Borden 5/31/2024 Fisher 7/31/2024 Loving 7/30/2024 Reeves, S. 8/9/2024 Chaves, S.E. 5/31/2023
Brewster, N.E. 3/31/2023 Floyd 3/31/2023 Lubbock 6/2/2023 Schleicher 9/30/2022 Chaves, S.W. 5/31/2023
Brewster, N.W. 3/31/2023 Gaines 8/9/2024 Lynn 6/10/2022 Scurry 8/5/2024 Chaves, W.C. 5/31/2023
Cochran 4/28/2023 Garza 8/16/2023 Martin 8/2/2024 Sterling 9/28/2023 DeBaca, E. 12/30/2017
Coke 12/2/2024 Glasscock 8/2/2024 McCulloch 5/31/2023 Stonewall 4/28/2023 DeBaca, W. 12/30/2017
Concho 5/3/2023 Hale 3/31/2023 Menard 4/27/2023 Sutton 5/23/2023 Eddy, E. 8/9/2024
Cottle 4/26/2023 Hockley 4/28/2023 Midland 8/16/2024 Terrell, E. 4/28/2023 Eddy, W. 8/9/2024
Crane 8/2/2024 Howard 8/16/2024 Mitchell 4/28/2023 Terrell, W. 4/28/2023 Guadalupe, E. 12/30/2017
Crockett, N. 4/30/2024 Hudspeth, E. 5/31/2023 Motley 5/26/2023 Terry 7/31/2024 Guadalupe,W. 12/30/2017
Crockett, NW 4/30/2024 Hudspeth, W. 5/31/2023 Nolan 8/16/2023 Tom Green 11/2/2023 Lea, N.E. 8/2/2024
Crockett, S. 4/30/2024 Irion 10/13/2023 Pecos, E.C. 6/14/2024 Upton 6/6/2024 Lea, N.W. 8/2/2024
Crosby 11/30/2023 Jeff Davis, C. 3/31/2023 Pecos, N. 8/16/2024 Val Verde, N. 4/28/2023 Lea, S.E. 8/2/2024
Culberson, E. 7/31/2024 Jeff Davis, E. 3/31/2023 Pecos, S. 6/14/2024 Val Verde, S. 4/28/2023 Lea, S.W. 8/2/2024
Culberson, W. 7/31/2024 Jeff Davis, W. 3/31/2023 Pecos, W.C. 6/14/2024 Ward 8/9/2024 Otero, S.E. 12/30/2017
Curry 12/30/2017 Kent 2/28/2022 Presidio, E. 5/31/2023 Winkler 6/28/2024 Quay, E. 12/30/2017
Dawson 7/31/2024 Kerr 12/29/2017 Presidio, W. 5/31/2023 Yoakum 7/31/2024 Quay, W. 12/30/2017
Dickens 2/28/2023 Kimble 2/13/2018 Real 7/7/2017 Roosevelt, N. 12/1/2020
Ector 8/16/2024 King 4/25/2022 Reagan 7/26/2024 Roosevelt, S. 12/1/2020

Well data discontinued on classic version in 2019. Mineral interest was discontinued for updates in the 60s.

Additional information

Dimensions 44 × 5 × 5 in

Andrews, Borden, Brewster, N.E., Brewster, N.W., Cochran, Coke, Concho, Cottle, Crane, Crockett, N., Crockett, NW / Pecos, E.C., Crockett, S., Crosby, Culberson, E., Culberson, W., Curry, Dawson, Dickens, Ector, Edwards, E., Edwards, W., Fisher, Floyd, Gaines, Garza, Glasscock, Hale, Hockley, Howard, Hudspeth, E., Hudspeth, W., Irion, Jeff Davis, C., Jeff Davis, E., Jeff Davis, W., Kent, Kerr, Kimble, King, Kinney, Lamb, Loving / Reeves, N., Lubbock, Lynn, Martin, McCulloch, Menard, Midland, Mitchell, Motley, Nolan, Pecos, E.C. / Crockett, N.W., Pecos, N., Pecos, S., Pecos, W.C., Presidio, E., Presidio, W., Real, Reagan, Reeves, C., Reeves, N. / Loving, Reeves, S., Schleicher, Scurry, Sterling, Stonewall, Sutton, Terrell, E., Terrell, W., Terry, Tom Green, Upton, Val Verde, N., Val Verde, S., Ward, Winkler, Yoakum, Chaves, N.E., Chaves, N.W., Chaves, S.E., Chaves, S.W., Chaves, W.C., DeBaca, E., DeBaca, W., Eddy, E., Eddy, W., Guadalupe, E., Guadalupe,W., Lea, N.E., Lea, N.W., Lea, S.E., Lea, S.W., Otero, S.E., Quay, E., Quay, W., Roosevelt, N., Roosevelt, S.

Map Size

8.5 x 14, 18 x 18, 24 x 24, Half Map

Map Type

Standard, Laminated, Foam Board, Digital – Includes Standard Copy