Permian Basin Well Maps


Field names, locations, dry holes and producing wells in most of West Texas.

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Our standard printing is on poly-coated paper, this ensures durability but allows writing. Digital maps will be a TIFF version of the map.

Well maps cover well spots and well data.

  • 61 Texas Counties and 9 SE New Mexico Counties are available.
  • Well Spots updated daily.
  • Other counties upon request.

Additional information

Dimensions 44 × 3 × 3 in

Andrews, Bailey, Borden, Brewster, N.E., Brewster, N.W., Cochran, Coke, Concho, Cottle, Crane, Crockett, N., Crockett, N.W. / Pecos, E.C., Crockett, S., Crosby, Culberson, E., Culberson, W., Dawson, Dickens, Ector, Edwards, E., Edwards, W., Fisher, Floyd, Gaines, Garza, Glasscock, Hale, Hockley, Howard, Hudspeth, E., Hudspeth, W., Irion, Jeff Davis, C., Jeff Davis, E., Jeff Davis, W., Kent, Kerr, Kimble, King, Kinney, Lamb, Loving / Reeves, N., Lubbock, Lynn, Martin, McCulloch, Menard, Midland, Mitchell, Motley, Nolan, Pecos, E.C. / Crockett, N.W., Pecos, N., Pecos, S., Pecos, W.C., Presidio, E., Presidio, W., Reagan, Real, Reeves, C., Reeves, N. / Loving, Reeves, S., Schleicher, Scurry, Sterling, Stonewall, Sutton, Terrell, E., Terrell, W., Terry, Tom Green, Upton, Val Verde, N., Val Verde, S., Ward, Winkler, Yoakum, New Mexico Counties, Chaves, N.E., Chaves, N.W., Chaves, S.E., Chaves, S.W., Chaves, W.C., Curry, DeBaca, E., DeBaca, W., Eddy, E., Eddy, W., Guadalupe, E., Guadalupe, W., Lea, N.E., Lea, N.W., Lea, S.E., Lea, S.W., Otero, S.E., Quay, E. *, Quay, W. *, Roosevelt, N., Roosevelt, S.


Standard Printing, Laminated, Digital + Hard Copy